Tagged: Fascism

Hegelian Dialectics for Dummies

Hat tip: Brent Parrish


Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (Credits: Wikipedia)

 Why should you care about the Hegelian Dialectic? How does it affect me? The dialectical philosophy devised by Georg Hegel underpins the entire political and social strategy of the radical left. The dialectical approach to “consensus-building” (compromise) and “conflict resolution” (dialog) is the process with which the radical left attempts to control and manipulate outcomes.

There are several reasons why I felt compelled to write an article on the subject matter of Hegelian dialectics. First, I thought I would take a shot at introducing the subject matter to those who are unfamiliar with it, and why it is relevant to politics today. Secondly, I thought it “prudent at this juncture” to clearly lay out important distinctions between Hegel’s philosophy and that of Marx’s theory of dialectical materialism.

I have been reading and hearing the term “Hegelian Dialectic” bantered around more and more. As a matter of fact, my last article submitted to the The Watcher’s Council, I, once again, brought up the Hegelian dialectic in relationship to our two-party system–the infamous left-right paradigm, as I am wont to call it. But I digress.

Hegelian dialectical theory is simply a philosophy, a way of thinking–a thought process. But when taken to its extreme, and applied by unscrupulous characters, it is a very dangerous and lethal strategy. For it is not a new strategy or idea, but an ancient one. And it takes many forms. Indeed, it can be difficult to expose the strategy, even by those deeply familiar with it, because the agenda is hidden, and the predetermined ends are kept secret by those employing the strategy.

But before we get started exploring Hegelian dialecticalism (author’s own term), let me state clearly: there are entire books written on the subject matter of dialectical philosophy, and on the life of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, the father of the so-called Hegelian Dialectic. I do not consider myself an authority on Hegel. Nor do I consider myself an expert on dialectical philosophy–in all its varied forms. I have simply researched the subject matter in some depth.

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